Friday, October 1, 2010

"A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

Personally, I don't think this quote could have been said any better. These are the types of friends that I would consider a blessing. Friends that can see through your flaws and weaknesses, yet they love you the same. My own best friend is definitely one of those people. It's very comforting to know that no matter what you do, or how bad you mess up, someone will always be right besides you. Whereas there are some friends who only show up when the rest of the world is with you. Friends that are only there for you whenever they can receive something in return for their advice or sympathy. I understand that there is a difference between being a friend and a casual acquaintance, but that line needs to be drawn beforehand. There is nothing worse than discovering that one of your (what you thought was) real friends is merely an acquaintance. Having that feeling of disappointment and sorrow is awful. So take a look at the friends around you. Who would truly stand by you in a storm? Who would stick up for you whenever everyone else was backing down? I consider my mom to be one of my realest friends. I know for a fact that she will never give up on me. She will never desert me in a time of confusion or uncertainty. I know that she will always give me great advice, and not false hope. It's an awesome feeling to have the certainty that you have at least one real friend in this crazy world. I think that I partially agree with the phrase, "Friends come and go but family is forever". In a way, this is completely true. Yet in another, it can be absolutely false. I know for a fact that my best friend is here to stay. But then again, I know that my mom is going to be here for me forever as well. It's just interesting to take a step back and look at the friends you surround yourself with. Hopefully those friends are the ones who would walk in even when the rest of the world is heading for the door.


Crazy Definitions
    1. Compete- going out and trying to win against an opponent
    1. Relaxing- laying around without a care in the world
    1. Responsibility- being accountable for your actions
    1. Partying- having fun with your friends and meeting new people
    1. Yar- the pirate way to say "yes"
    1. Seriously- no way, can't believe it
    1. Shwasted- not in your normal state of mind
    1. Furry- small, adorable animals
    1. Insanity- crazy/awesome
    1. Goober- goofy or weird
    1. Cranky- bad mood or upset
    1. Feisty- wild, energetic or crazy
    1. Stubborn- independent, doesn't accept what other people think or do
    1. Persnickety- special attention to detail
    1. Fall- end of Summer
    1. Brown- big, glossy eyes
    1. Despise- feelings shared between best friends
    1. Maganda- beautiful
    1. Jumble- a massive clutter
    1. Contrary- one who is intentionally being mischievous or deviant
    1. Nuisance- a person, event or item that is of annoyance to someone
    1. Flabbergasted- being extremely surprised or shocked
    1. Euphoric- the state of being the surpasses happiness
    1. Twit- a pregnant goldfish
        1. Fearless- not being afraid of anyone or anything, letting yourself try something new

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