Tuesday, October 5, 2010

“The most important thing in life is to find yourself.
 Know who you are at all times, and stand 
by that for the rest of your life.”

If you don't know yourself, then who do you know? Getting to the point where you know yourself perfectly takes a lot of time I assume. Personally, I don't know myself perfectly. I wonder who honestly does though? I think there comes a time in all of our lives whenever we have epiphanies. We realize that, "Hey, that's not me." We all have different viewpoints, outlooks and reasonings. Knowing what each of yours are is the hard part. When we mature in life, all of these things tend to change. We most likely don't view things the same now as we did when we were 10 years old. All of that is part of finding ourselves. We have to figure out our likes and dislikes, our wants and needs, and our do's and don'ts. Once we've discovered all of this, we have to stand by it. We have to stand up for what we believe in and not back down for anything. We have to know what's right for us, and what will bring us the most happiness. Personally, that's a problem for me. I tend to overlook what will make me happy in the long run. Sometimes we get too caught up in the current moment to realize how we'll be effected in the future by it.

I feel like this is why we need to find ourselves. We need to know what's best for us and stand by it. With all of the input from the world around us, it's hard to focus solely on our own viewpoints. In the end, hopefully we will all be pleased with how we lived our lives. Maybe by then we will know ourselves perfectly. Possibly we will have found everything that we could ever find about ourselves. I guess only time will tell :)

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