Monday, October 25, 2010

Favorite Piece of Furniture

My absolute favorite piece of furniture in my place of residency is my bed. My bed is a glorious place. I tend to multitask while sitting on my bed. I do not only sleep there, but I also do homework, listen to music, sit on my laptop, read, and write. I have had the same bed since I moved into the house that I currently live in. My bed is full size, and it’s everything that I need. I wouldn’t mind having a queen size bed though, that sounds even more luxurious. Not many people have slept in my bed besides myself. I’m pretty sure only my best friend has slept in my bed with me. I don’t really like the thought of having other people’s germs swarming around in the place where I sleep. Thinking about other people’s dead skin cells/aromas being in my bed, makes me nauseous. I enjoy having a clean living area, and I tend to keep it that way. Beds can be a disgusting place to reside. Some people, unlike myself, don’t really care about the cleanliness of their sleep area. Some could probably go six weeks without washing their sheets, or even thinking about the matter. It’s gross to think about, but there really are bed bugs that live within your sheets. They may be microscopic, but believe me, they’re there. There was actually a news story that I was watching this morning about the topic. They were discussing how the case of bed bugs has been rising more and more within hotels. How disgusting does that sound to you? Not only do I not like to think about sleeping where a previous stranger has, but thinking about bugs crawling beneath me is even worse. They showed a clip of these bugs, and they were not pretty! There were some bugs that were as big as my thumbnail. That really isn’t that big, but to think about sleeping with a bug like that, um nooo thank you!

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